While the Doctor & the Master face Gallifrey’s mysterious past, the rest of team Tardis and the remaining humans face off against the cybermen. Join Clay and Vic as they discuss Doctor Who S12E10: The Timeless Children.
Graham is watching AC/DC fight it out at a rodeo? What the… Only on Doctor Who does this sort of thing happen. Join Clay and Vic as they discuss Doctor Who S12E04: Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror.
So your vacation at Tranquility Spa didn’t work out as planned? Why not melt your cares away with the a rundown on the latest episode of Doctor Who instead? Join Clay and Vic as they discuss Doctor Who S12E03: Orphan 55
If Clay and Vic had a team of brilliant computer sciency women, they would have stolen the Master’s Tardis and delivered this episode to you on time. Alas, they don’t, so it’s better late than never. Doctor Who S12E02: Spyfall Part 2
Strange new aliens and spies and a returning old foe to boot! Join Clay and Vic as they discuss Doctor Who S12E01: Spyfall Part 1.
In a New Years Day Special, and the final episode till 2020, Doctor Who gave us Resolution on the final lingering thread of Series 11 and Jodie Whitaker’s 13th Doctor’s first showdown with a Dalek. Join Clay, Scott and Vic as they break it down.