Welcome to BubbleSort

From the original BubbleSort Show a podcast network was born.
Inefficiently floating items of interest to the top since 2017.

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Latest Episode

BubbleSort Show: 54: Mac Stack

Posted on Monday, Jul 22, 2024

Clay, John and Vic rejoice as BubbleSort returns! We discuss Johns SubStack Failure, Vics still streaming and twitching, Johns getting back into Photography and Clay talks about the pressures we all face working for a living and taking time for our mental health.

BubbleSort tells you ALL their thoughts about the (sort of) recent Apple September 2020 event.

Clay, Vic, and Scott go forest bathing to figure out their backup strategies, clacking on their keyboards all the way.

Part II of the WWDC 2020 extravaganza!

BubbleSort Show: 27: Sorting the Bubbas

Posted on Tuesday, Jun 30, 2020

Sorting WWDC2020!

Rabbit Hole: Black Lives Matter

Posted on Tuesday, Jun 9, 2020

Black Lives Matter, and it’s time for us all to understand why and what our role is in changing our country and world.