Welcome to BubbleSort

From the original BubbleSort Show a podcast network was born.
Inefficiently floating items of interest to the top since 2017.

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Latest Episode

BubbleSort Show: 54: Mac Stack

Posted on Monday, Jul 22, 2024

Clay, John and Vic rejoice as BubbleSort returns! We discuss Johns SubStack Failure, Vics still streaming and twitching, Johns getting back into Photography and Clay talks about the pressures we all face working for a living and taking time for our mental health.

BubbleSort Show: 13: Disco Country

Posted on Tuesday, Jul 24, 2018

Clay, John & Vic are back to discuss TV Clay still isn’t watching, Tweetbacks, Chidgey’s new RSS hosting service, some Questionable Taste in Music and new MacBook Pros. Also Apparently Jailbreaking is still a thing and Legos hurt!!!!

BubbleSort Show: 12: Stand & Stick

Posted on Monday, Jul 9, 2018

Clay, John & Vic Discuss Clay’s new solo podcast, some behind the scenes details of recording podcasts and website hosting, Chidgey gets lost in the iClouds and Vic experiences tech rage to the fullest.

BubbleSort Show: 11: Leaks Like A Gentleman

Posted on Sunday, Jul 1, 2018

Clay, John & Vic are back to discuss all the things announced during the WWDC 2018 Keynote.

BubbleSort Show: 10: Mash Up My Strokes

Posted on Friday, Jun 8, 2018

Clay, John & Vic are back to discuss some TV Clay still isn’t watching, what’s up with fanbois turning on Apple, why the iPhone X is the Best Selling Flop™. As if that wasn’t enough, they do all this while simultaneously directing a four way sleep tracking app cage match! There can be only one!!!

Vic & Clay are blogging like it’s 2003 while John clings to his federated independence and running servers. We weigh out pros & cons of blogging methods as well as blogging compared to Social Media. Also discussed are John’s really large photo library and the Apple Education event along with a near miss concerning a fish tank and a new iMac.